Friday, August 3, 2012

Leaving Holland, Italy here we come!

1.Maggie Rorke makes a wonderful travel companion!

2. Getting up at 5:45 AM, Holland time or 11PM Minnesota time, is really difficult.

3. The Hotel Toren on Keizergtacht in Amsterdam, is a hotel experience one can only hope for when traveling abroad!

4. No matter how easy going, sweet, darling a 13 year old girl is, she is still 13!!

5.The alps are pretty impressive from the air!

6. The Dutch take Gay Pride week very seriously. We were lucky to be there and experience what tolerance and acceptance really means! Wake up America!

7. It is really a big treat to have dinner with some of your closest friends who happen to be in Amsterdam at the same time. Thanks Lor, Herbie, Charlie and Jazz. See you in a week!

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